International Arbitration

Triangulo Pisos e Paineis, Ltda. v. BR-111 Imports & Exports, Inc.

Representation of a hardwood flooring manufacturer in a dispute with its distributor regarding unpaid invoices, warranty claims, and ownership of a trademark. We prevailed in the arbitration then successfully confirmed the award in a decision that recognized the absence of a motion to vacate under the Panama Convention. Later, we successfully pierced the corporate veil and held one successor entity liable, as well as one of the two shareholders.

Karkey Karadeniz Elektrik Uretim A.S. v. Pakistan

Counsel to Pakistan in annulment, revision, and enforcement proceedings related to one of the largest ICSID awards. After filing the first, successful second request for revision, the case settled with Pakistan paying no monetary compensation. The result saved Pakistan over USD 1.2 billion. We also achieved a stay of enforcement in the US courts, despite the ad-hoc Committee lifting the stay of enforcement, as well as discovery from the claimant’s law firm pursuant to section 1782.

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