Co-Author, “The Guide to Infrastructure and Energy Investment” 3rd ed., 2018, Latin Lawyer.
Author, “Lessons on Damages: Minutes of the OGEMID Virtual Symposium on Damages in Investment Arbitration”, 2018, Transnational Dispute Management.
Co-Author, “Lessons on Damages: Minutes of the OGEMID Virtual Symposium on Damages in Investment Arbitration”, 2018, Transnational Dispute Management.
Co-Author, “Investment Treaty Arbitration”, 2016, Latin Lawyer Guide to Infrastructure and Energy Investment.
Co-Author, “Sanciones en el Arbitraje Internacional”, vol. 13, p. 92, 2015, Derecho y Ciencias Sociales.
Co-Author, “Salir de Pesca, Sólo en Vacaciones: La Base Adecuada para Laudos sobre Daños”, 2014, Revista de Arbitraje de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú No. 4.
Co-Author, “Addressing and Redressing Errors in ICSID Arbitration”, 2014, Transnational Dispute Management.
Co-Author, Discovery y Discovery en la Litigación y el Arbitraje Internacional., 2013, Buenos Aires Arbitration Review.
Co-Author, “Investment Arbitration in Argentina”, 2012, Investment Arbitration in Latin America.
Co-Author, “Investment Claims by Sovereigns”, vol. 16, no. 1, p. 165, 2011, Arbitration News, (Journal of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division).
Co-Author, “Comparing Commercial and Investment Arbitration”, vol. 28, no. 1, 2011, International Litigation (Journal of the Section of Litigation of the International Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association).
Co-Author, The 2010 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules: “Language of the Proceedings; Pleas as to the Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal”, comments to Arts. 23 (co-author, with Eduardo Gonçalves) and Art. 19, 2011, Comentario a las Reglas de Arbitraje CNUDMI (P. Perales Viscasillas – I. Torterola, Eds.).
Co-Author, “Responsabilidad del Estado bajo los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión”, vol. 2010-3, p. 371, 2010, Revista de Derecho de Daños (Ed. Rubinzal-Culzoni).
Author, “Most-Favored Nation Treatment as a Standard of State Conduct” Presented at the Association International pour l’Arbitrage Conference., 2010, Contemporary Topics in Investment Arbitration.
Co-Author, “Cesión y Nacionalidad en el Arbitraje de Inversión”, p. 37, 2010, Revista Ecuatoriana de Arbitraje.
Co-Author, “Procedimientos Arbitrales Bilingües”, vol. 6, p. 85, 2009, Spain Arbitration Review.