

Proceedings under the ICC rules between a French general contractor and a Brazilian subcontractor regarding a powerline construction project in Ethiopia.


Represented a Brazilian purchaser of debt in a Portuguese-language arbitration brought by a large Brazilian bank regarding claims under the purchase and sale agreement, administered by the ICC, amounts confidential.

Triangulo Pisos e Paineis, Ltda. v. BR-111 Imports & Exports, Inc.

Representation of a hardwood flooring manufacturer in a dispute with its distributor regarding unpaid invoices, warranty claims, and ownership of a trademark. We prevailed in the arbitration then successfully confirmed the award in a decision that recognized the absence of a motion to vacate under the Panama Convention. Later, we successfully pierced the corporate veil and held one successor entity liable, as well as one of the two shareholders.

Jindal Steel Bolivia S.A. v. Empresa Siderurgica del Mutun

Represented a Bolivian instrumentality and the State in a dispute in two related ICC arbitrations with an Indian mining company regarding rights related to a mining concession in Bolivia. After successfully defending the instrumentality’s decision to execute one of the guarantees, we advised on the successful set aside of the portion of the award that invalidated the execution of the other guarantee.

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